Enterprise and Innovation - Task 4

Who else is out there – how good are they?

(Table not shown seek digital copy)

As shown from the table above the freelance designers are very much over-shadowed by the big design agencies. I see a potential opening for freelance designers to do the work that the large agencies dismiss and produce work that is of the same standard as the agencies. By doing this, I will be gaining respect from the clients and will begin to network myself as an up and coming designer, with design agency quality. To do this, I will have to undercut the competition, for example, other local freelancers. I will charge just a small amount less than them.

Or another way would be to charge the same as the competitors but go the ‘extra mile’. For example, I could charge a client for a full ‘re-brand’ of their company but do extra little jobs for less and have extra promotional design printed. Also, I can include things such as copy-writing and editing, as these are usual things that companies often forget to check and is left to the designer to correct. This extra care, then gets noticed by the client and will be remembered for next time, and hopefully passed on to other clients.

Also to compete with the freelance and small agencies I will have to make my ‘persona’ as a designer, larger than it actually is, especially where this may be a deciding factor for a client to go with the larger agency.

Promoting my many different skills as a designer is important, showing my clients the additional skills that they would receive from me that they couldn’t from other freelance or design agencies. Also my personal input with the work will create a good impression with the client, as this will tell them that I am serious about the work and will go about it in a professional manner.

What opportunities for your own practice have revealed themselves to you as a result of this analysis and evaluation?

I’ve learnt in the very competitive industry of graphic design that you not only have to be talented but you also need to be very organized and especially as a freelance designer as there are no comfortable pay cheques. I will have to become very disciplined with timetables of projects on the go and client meetings. These results have shown me that there are always people out there wanting what you provide its just a case of promoting yourself in a professional and positive way. After reading many forums of freelance graphic designers opinions of it, I begin to realize its more a way of living then anything. There is no manager telling you what to do, instead the client is effectively your manager as they are you basis of income.