Task 3 - Essay Proposal Form

Provisional essay title

Reading ‘Blink’ by Malcom Gladwell and concidering theorist such as Edward de Bono and Freud

Revised Title:

“ To what extent can subject knowledge be effectively used alongside ‘snap judgements or first impressions?”

Main issues addressed by your essay and the thrust of your argument:

What does it mean to be ‘creative’, and the factors that are involved. Snap judgements and measured decisions. Study Ideas and stories from Malcolm Gladwell’s book ‘blink’. A natural flare being more difficult to explain. Why are people creative?

What Visual material will you look at?

All new math by Craig Damrauer

‘Words fail me’ by Theresa Monachino

What specific theorists/writers will you refer to?

Edward de Bono

Sigmund Freud

Books/Articles/Resources already located

Freud, Sigmund. (1906c). Psycho-analysis and the establishment of facts in legal proceedings. SE, 9: 103-114.

Nunberg Hermann, and Federn, Ernst. (1962-1975). Minute of the Vienna psychoanalytic society. New York: International Universities.

http: //en.wikipedia.org/

Blink (The power of thinking without thinking) by Michael Gladwell

All new Math by Craig Damrauer

Robert Harris from the university of California.